Togaridou Konstantina

EUTeens4Green Local Facilitator for Greece

Why did you become a Local Facilitator for the EUTeens4Green project?

‘Enhancing the youth engagement in green transition has been my motivation to become a Local Facilitator for the EUTeens4Green project. Involving the youth, who will be centrally impacted as well as be those implementing the changes is a great challenge that should be addressed if we wish to co-create a post-coal world that is a place with staying in and living in for all.’

About Konstanina…

Konstantina is a just transition researcher at Digital Communication Network South East Europe Hub, Μember of the JTP Horizontal Stakeholder Engagement Working Groups, EU DG REGION, core member of South Balkans consortium working on including those most impacted and those excluded in Just Transition from Coal to Green Energy and European Climate Pact Ambassador. Her main interest is in stakeholder engagement and communication in coal regions with main focus on hard to reach groups.

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